Home Watch Services

 A local resource to keep a close eye on your vacation home


Every absentee and second home owner has, at some point, faced the question: “Who will watch my home while I’m away?” 

AOPW has you covered. Home Watch is our bread and butter, and we pride ourselves on treating our clients homes as our own. 

Long distance home ownership can come with feelings of anxiety and apprehension to leave it vacant for too long, and with good reason. A vacant home can fall victim to catastrophe if left to sit without any eyes on it. We ensure your home is thoroughly walked through, inside and out, to catch and prevent issues that will inevitably arise. 

At the end of every inspection, our clients receive a detailed inspection report right to their email containing all noted information with photos to help give a more comprehensive understanding of what’s happening in the home. Each inspection we conduct our inspection checklist, which you can read through below.

  1. Inspect exterior for damage/peeling paint
  2. Inspect windows, door frames, and siding for wood rot and damage 
  3. Confirm that all sections of fencing are secure
  4. Inspect for rodent and insect infestations
  5. Inspect roofing, checking for debris, pine straw and tree limbs 
  6. Inspect gutters, checking for debris 
  7. Inspect outdoor showers and hose bibs for leaks and functionality
  8. Confirm that windows are not damaged
  9. Inspect exterior screens for damage 
  10. Run exterior fans to prevent rust 
  11. Retrieve mail, forwarding to home address as needed 
  12. Inspect lawn for dead spots and irrigation leaks
  13. Inspect quality of bush and tree maintenance 
  14. Inspect flower beds and shrubbery
  15. Confirm that pool/spa areas are clean and free of debris 
  16. Confirm that fountain and water features are functioning properly
  17. Test doorbells 
  18. Confirm that alarm is operating properly
  19. Confirm that all exterior doors are secured 
  20. Confirm that all windows are secured 
  21. Inspect interior ceilings and walls for water intrusion 
  22. Inspect windows, skylights and frames for water intrusion and wood rot
  23. Inspect floors at exterior door thresholds for water intrusion and wood rot 
  24. Schedule AC Maintenance periodically
  25. Test ceiling fans 
  26. Test elevators 
  27. Inspect breaker boxes for tripped breakers
  28. Confirm water heater is off at breaker box as needed
  29. Confirm thermostats are operating correctly 
  30. Run kitchen faucets and inspect P-traps for leaks
  31. Test kitchen garbage disposal and check for leaks 
  32. Confirm the refrigerator and freezer are operating properly 
  33. Confirm ice maker is off and empty as needed
  34. Test faucets and inspect P-traps in all bathrooms 
  35. Flush toilets bi weekly and inspect supply lines for leaks
  36. Leave all toilet seats up to prevent microbial growth
  37. Inspect grout/caulk in shower and bath tubs 
  38. Run water in all showers and tubs bi weekly
  39. Inspect air handler pan for leaks or condensation 
  40. Inspect water heater pan for water 
  41. Inspect water heater for rust 
  42. Inspect for rodent and insect infestations in Attic  
  43. Inspect insulation in Attic
  44. Confirm that all garage doors are operating properly
  45. Confirm and schedule arrival cleaning as needed 
  46. Confirm water is on upon arrival
  47. Confirm water heater is on upon arrival
  48. Confirm icemaker is on upon arrival
  49. Put out/put away outdoor furniture for storm preparation 
  50. Set thermostats to comfortable temperature upon arrival

What experience can you expect with AOPW?


A local resource that's a phone call away, ready to address concerns or dilemmas that may arise while you're out of town


A thorough inspection report detailing our findings regarding your second home


Dependable and punctual service


Immediate communication regarding any notable concern in your home


A consistent schedule of inspections


Quick response to emergencies


Peace of mind that your home is being cared for

Schedule Consultation.Satisfaction Guaranteed.